Section 1-OQA或OQC合格检验员(简称CQI)
1.1 BBY 产品的检验必须由 BBY 认可合格的 OQA or OQC 检验员来执行; Inspection for BBY product must be implemented by BBY qualified OQA or OQC inspector;
1.2 供应商必须保证至少 2 名 BBY 认可合格的 QA or OQC 检验员; Vendor must ensure at least 2 OQA inspectors of OQA or OQC are certified by BBY;
1.3 BBY 每两年对 QA or OQC 合格的检验员进行培训考核检验; BBY will audit &train qualified inspection of OQA or OQC , then exam their level per 2 years;
1.4 BBY 对 QA 或 OQC 检验人员的培训及考核细则及具体内容参考附件; Please refer to appendix 1-1 for CQI training requirement & exam scopes;
1.5 供应商需要提供培训人员及参与考核人员名单给 BBY SQE 并参考培训细则与第三方培训机构提前至少两周预约培训;
1.6 Vendor need provide trainees and involved exam people name to BBY SQE and book training schedule with BBY assigned 3rd party in advance 2 weeks before training by specified training process & requirement as appendix 1-1