Tchibo Social and Environmental Code of Conduct (Tchibo SCoC)
for Business Partners (Products and Services)
3. Discrimination
It shall be guaranteed that all employees are treated equally, with dignity and respect and have access to equal opportunities. No discrimination shall be tolerated on gender, age, religion, race, caste, social background, disability, ethnic and national origin, nationality, membership in workers’ organizations including unions, political affiliation or opinions, sexual orientation, family responsibilities, marital status, or any other personal characteristics. This applies in particular to hiring, compensation, access to training, promotion, termination or retirement. ILO Conventions 100, 111 and 159 apply.
4. Disciplinary Measures
Any kind of corporal, psychological, physical, sexual, verbal or other harassment, abuse or discipline and any other form of intimidation are prohibited. Disciplinary measures shall be in line with national laws and internationally recognized human rights. Arbitrary penalties above all in case of sickness or pregnancy are forbidden. Employees, who raise any complaint
based on this Code and/or on applicable national/international laws, shall not be subject to any form of disciplinary measures or reprisal.
5. Working Contracts
Business partners shall provide their employees with written working contracts. Working contracts shall comply with national regulations and as a minimum must contain: name, home address, photo of the employee ∗ , date and place of birth*, function, starting date of working relationship, hours of work, remuneration and compensation, probation period (if applicable), leave entitlements, details for termination of the working relationship (both by employee and employer), signature of employee and employer and dates of signature. In the case of contracted work, the business partner has to secure that all aforementioned requirements are complied with by the contractor.
6. Compensation
Wages paid for standard working time without overtime shall meet at least legal regulations, benchmark industry minimum standards or collective bargaining agreements, whichever is higher. Business partners shall strive to pay wages that always meet basic needs of employees and their families and provide some discretionary income in case that legal minimum wages fail to do so. Employees shall receive at least all legally mandated benefits.
All overtime work shall be reimbursed at a premium rate according to legal, benchmark industry standards or collective bargaining agreements, whichever is higher. Employees shall be provided with written and understandable information on the fullcomposition of their wages, including deductions, overtime premium rates and benefits. Deductions from wages as a disciplinary measure are not permitted. ILO Conventions 26 and 131 apply.
7. Hours of Work
Hours of work shall comply with applicable laws and benchmark industry standards, whichever of the two is stricter. In any event, workers shall not on a regular basis be required to work in excess of 48 hours per week. Overtime shall be voluntary, shall not exceed 12 hours per week and not be demanded on a regular basis. Employees are entitled to at least one free day following six consecutive days of working. Exceptions to this rule apply only where both of the following conditions are fulfilled: a) National law allows work time exceeding this limit; and b) a freely negotiated collective bargaining agreement is in force that allows work time averaging, including adequate rest periods. ILO Conventions 1 and 14 apply and ILO Recommendation 116.