Formal Environmental Management System 环境管理体系
An Environmental Management System (EMS) helps a factory identify processes and operations that have an impact on the environment and then monitor and control those impacts.
环境管理体系可以帮助工厂有效地识别生产过程中的环境影响因素, 并监控和管理这些影响因素.
A written EMS handbook 书面的环境管理体系手册
• A policy/strategy that guides decision-making指导决策的环境方针
• All significant environmental impacts are tracked, measured and documented跟踪, 衡量和记录所有的重要环境因素
• Training provided and tracked to all relevant personnel on the environmental management system or program为相关人员提供的环境管理培训
• Management review (at least annually) for effectiveness of the system or program至少每年一次的管理评审
HIGG Index Facility Environmental Module (FEM)
All registered factories should
• C reate an account in 创建帐号
• C omplete the Higg Index Facility Environmental Module(FEM) at least every year 完成自评
• C onnect with Target. 建立连接
• Environmental Update Recap
• Environmental Management and Monitoring System
• Water Stewardship
• Waste Reduction & Disposal
• Energy Management
• Emissions to Air
• Licenses and Permitting
• Chemical Management