NO BRIBERY严禁贿赂Offering bribes or kickbacks of any kind is a zero tolerance violation零容忍
NO Forced Labor or Human Trafficking严禁强迫劳动与贩卖人 口
• Employees unable to decline overtime or incur penalties for declining overtime员工不能拒绝加班或因此而受到处罚
• A fee is required in order to begin or continue employment员工需支付费用才能入职或续约
• Withholding of payment or original identification documents(passports, etc.) 扣押证件 (如护照或身份证)
• Prison labor 监狱工
NO Underage Labor严禁童 工
• Target defines child labor as either below the local minimum working age, or the age of 15, whichever is greater.为 我们对童工的定义为 - - 小于 当地法定最低工作年龄或 15 岁,两 者以较大年纪为 准。
• Target will not accept any product produced using child labor我们拒绝任何由童工生产的产品。
• Factory must maintain complete and accurate personnel records for employees,including temporary, seasonal, or contract employees.工厂必须保留所有员工的人事资料,包括临时工,季节性员工或合同工。
• Personnel records should always include the date of birth and date of hire.所有人事资料须包括出生日期及入职日期
• It is the vendor’s responsibility to ensure your registered factories have strong record-keeping and human resources structure in place to prevent child labor.供应商有责任确保所有住注册工厂具备有效的人事制度以防止聘雇童工
Health and Safety健康与安全
Required :
• Fire extinguishers & hydrants灭 火设备
• Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)劳保用品
• Unlocked & Unobstructed Emergency Exits紧 急出口畅通
• Emergency Lighting with Battery Back-up有效的应急灯
No Discrimination严禁歧视
• Hiring, promotions, and termination should be based on qualifications and performance only.雇佣,升职和辞退只能基于资质和工作表现
• Race, gender, and personal characteristics or beliefs should never be a factor in management’s decisions.管理中所做决定不得受种族,性别,个性或信仰等影响
• All employees should be treated with respect, including migrant, temporary workers or contract workers.必须尊重所有员工,包括外来工,临时工,或合同工