Red-Flag Issues 危险问题(续)
• Burning waste, including plastic material, onsite
• absence of a water drainage or waste management plan
• direct discharge of untreated water into sewers or waterways
• Hazardous waste not properly marked or stored away from the production area
Other observations:
• reported or observed corrupt or illicit practices, including bribery
• Political or social upheaval in the country,
e.g. coup, workers striking, brink of conflict/war,
danger of guerrilla activities or endemic street
violence and protests
• natural disasters (e g , earthquake, flood, fires, hurricane, typhoon, etc ) in the country or region
where our factory is located that could potential disrupt PVH business
• reported or observed public information/media report on sub-standard working conditions
or, illegal activities in any facility where PVH production is alleged to be taking place
• Media and/or activists interviewing workers/management or filming in or around the factory
• reports of violence against workers
• factory is locked or closed upon arrival