3.5 Supplier Management and Procurement Control 供應商管理和採購控制
3.5.1 Factories are responsible to identify, qualify and manage the quality of its subcontractors and material suppliers.All subcontractors that are involved in production of Hasbro items shall be reported to Hasbro Chemical team, written approval shall be obtained before starting of production. 工廠主要職責是識別、檢查、監控分包商和原材料供應商。所有参与孩之宝產品的分包商應該在生產前上報孩之宝化学组,且应获得书面批准。
NOTE 1: After approval by Hasbro, the factory shall input the subcontractors’ information into e-Connect system for record. 孩之宝公司批准后,工厂应将分包商的信息输入e-Connect系统备案。
NOTE 2: For subcontractors that involve the processing of PVC and/or paints/inks, the factory shall test the received parts/components per batch per delivery.對於包含PVC加工和涂料/油墨的分包商,工厂应對收到部件/组件每批次每次來貨進行測試。
3.5.2 The factory shall have a procedure that establishes a supplier performance measurement system. The system shall include selection, evaluation, approval, suspension and disqualification of its subcontractors and material suppliers. Only suppliers and subcontractors of satisfactory quality shall be used.工厂应当建立一套程序,即供應商的評估系統,包括選擇、評估、批准和終止適用的分包商與原材料供應商。只有合格供應商才可以使用。
NOTE: Factory should conduct regular on-site audit for subcontractors.工厂应该对分包商进行定期现场审核。
3.5.3 For materials that Hasbro has identified a list of approved suppliers (see QA049 supplementary document), factories shall purchase materials from them and specify “FOR HASBRO” in each purchase order (PO). Hasbro產品的原材料有指定供應商清單(詳見QA049補充文件),工廠應該向指定供應商採購原材料并且每單上應備註“FOR HASBRO”。
3.5.4 For printing materials that will become retainable (refer SRS-082 for definition), factories shall specify “RETAINABLE” in the PO to QA approved printers for correct test scopes in the certificate of conformance (CoC). Otherwise the factories will be required to perform additional tests according to requirements in QA051 on their own. .對於需保留的印刷材料(例如:說明書,有說明性文字的彩盒)(定義請參照srs082),工廠應在 PO注明”RETAINABLE(可保留)”.對`于孩之寶指定供應商應把正確的測試範圍寫在COC(符合聲明)。否則,工廠須按QA051要求自行執行額外測試.
3.5.5 The factory approved suppliers shall be maintained in a list,any update to the list shall be continue to the relevant department in a timely manner.PO shall only be released to the approved suppliers. 工廠應該保留一份合格供應商清單,任何信息的更新應及時通知相關部門,訂單只能下給合格供應商。
3.5.6The factory shall have a mechanism in place to effectively communicate and translate the most updated Hasbro QA requirements to its subcontractors and material suppliers. 工廠應該有一套機制有效地傳送/翻譯最新的Hasbro QA要求給其分包商和原材料供應商。
3.5.7 The factory shall have a procedure in place to ensure that when sourcing any material containing the minerals: Tin (Sn), Tungsten (W), Tantalum (Ta) and Gold (Au), the source of origins of these minerals should be surveyed / investigated to see whether or not they are originated in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) or its adjoining countries as defined by the US Securities Exchange Commission (SEC). 工廠應該有一份程序確保當採購任何物料含有Tin(錫), Tungsten(鎢), Tantalum(鉭)及Gold(黃金)礦物時, 這些礦物不是來自美國証交会所列出的剛果民主共和國及其9 個鄰近國家
3.6 Continuous Improvement, Corrective and Preventive Actions 持續改善、糾正與預防行動
3.6.1 The factory shall establish a procedure on the control, corrective and preventive actions of non-conforming products and processes in use. Once any non-conforming product or process is identified, the rejected materials, products and the related facilities shall be quarantined. 對於不合格品,工廠應該制訂一份糾正與預防程序,一旦出現不合格,有關物料/成品及相關設施必須進行隔離。