Target expects vendors have dedicated staff to manage social compliance and sustainability requirements at ALL registered factories.
Select appropriate facilities
Continuously monitor facilities
Manage training needs of factories
Assist in creating strong CAPs
*For more information about this topic, please review our Vendor Social Compliance Program Training Curriculum available via the Learning Management System (LMS), key word “Vendor Social Compliance.”
Breakout session for group discussion
• Share your thoughts in the group
• Select one person to present for your group
• 30 minutes discussion
What’s your key take-away from training today?
As a factory
• What’s your expectation from your vendor(s)? What they can do to help you to meet Target requirement?
作为工厂, 您期望中间商如何帮助工厂达到 Target 的要求?
As a vendor
• What can you do to help factory to meet Target requirement?
作为中间商,您将如何帮助工厂达到 Target