Higg Self-Assessment
Target uses the SAC’s Higg Index Facilities Environmental Module (FEM) as the foundation of its environmental self-assessment process in supply chain.
Target 用Higg Index环境模块作为供应链环境自我评估程序的基础。
Annual Self-Assessment 自我评估
Each in-scope facility must complete an environmental self-assessment at least once every year, and results are incorporated into the business partners VRME or SRME score.
工厂应至少每年完成一次环境自我评估,评估结果将计入VRME或SRME 。
Annual Account Fee帐户使用费用
A payment of $85 must also be paid yearly for your assessment content to be viewable on Higg.org. If no payment is received, the account will be inactive and the self-assessment score will be inaccessible to Target and make it zero in your VRME/SRME scorecard.
Communication 沟通
• Communication is sent to Business Partners that requires a Higg self-assessment update
• Adoption cycle is usually October to May of the following year
Preparation 准备
• Setting up an account on Higg.org (if you don’t have one)
• Review the “How to Higg” manual and other training material
使用“How to Higg” 和其他培训材料了解如何完成评估
Completion 完成
• Complete the Facility Environmental Module 完成工厂环境模块
• Post your completed FEM 上传完成后的FEM
• Connect with Target in Higg.org 与Target建立连接