Facility emergency fire alarms:
Are not audible;
Do not have beacon or flashing lights in high-noise areas.
Facility Actions:
1.Facility must ensure that emergency fire alarms are audible.工厂要确保报警铃是可以听见的
2.Facility must ensure that beacon or flashing lights are installed in high-noise areas.工厂要确保信号灯和闪光灯安装在噪音大的区域
Facility emergency fire alarms:
Are not connected to a secondary power source.
Facility Actions:
1.Facility must ensure fire alarms are connected to a secondary power source.工厂要确保报警铃连接了备用的电源
Emergency exit lights:
Are not connected to a secondary power source.
Facility Actions:
1.Facility must ensure emergency exit lights are connected to a secondary power source.工厂要确保紧急出口灯连接了备用电源
Facility emergency exit doors:
Are not side-hinged doors;
Do not open in the direction of travel with a single motion;
Do not close automatically when leading to a staircase;
Facility Actions:
1.Facility must ensure that emergency exit doors:工厂要确保紧急出口门符合以下规定
1.Are side-hinged doors;是侧铰链门
2.Open in the direction of travel with a single motion;只能往一个方向开
3.Close automatically when leading to a staircase;当推到楼梯时自动关闭
Emergency assembly areas:
Are not designated on evacuation plan;
Are not located along each fire escape route.
Facility Actions:
Facility must ensure that emergency assembly areas are:工厂紧急集合区域
1.Designated on evacuation plan;在疏散计划图上有指明
2.Are located along each fire escape route.在每一个消防逃生路线都有
Fire extinguishers:
Are not present on every floor of the facility;
Are not present in every production area;
Are not present in areas where there is storage of materials labeled as flammable.
Facility Actions:
Facility must ensure fire extinguishers:工厂灭火器
1.Are present on every floor of the facility;工厂每一层都有
2.Are present in every production area;每一个工作区域都有
3.Are present in areas where there is a storage of materials labeled as flammable.储存易燃物品的区域都有
Fire Extinguishers:
Are not mounted;
Are mounted above 1.5 meters (5 feet) from ground to top of fire extinguisher.
Facility Actions:
Facility must ensure that fire extinguishers:工厂灭火器必须是
1.Are mounted;安装好的
2.Are mounted below 1.5 meters (5 feet) from ground to top of fire extinguisher.地面到灭火器顶部距离1.5米
Fire Extinguishers:
Are overcharged;
Are undercharged.
Facility Actions:
1.Fire extinguishers should not be:灭火器不应该是
2.Facility must ensure fire extinguishers are charged properly. 工厂要确保灭火器内容物装的合适
Materials labeled as hazardous, combustible, or flammable:
Are not stored in containers labeled as anti-static;
Are not grounded.
Facility Actions:
1.Facility must provide anti-static containers for materials labeled as hazardous, combustible or flammable. 工厂为危险物品,易燃物品提供防静电的容器并且打上标签
2.Facility must ensure materials labeled as hazardous, combustible or flammable are grounded.工厂要确保打上危险物品,易燃易爆物品的材料是及地的
24. Electrical wiring:电线
Is damaged or exposed; 是损坏的或者暴露的
Is connected through extension cords通过延长线连接
Facility Actions:
Facility must ensure that electrical wiring and panels:工厂要确保电线和电板
1.Are not damaged; 是完好的
2.Are properly shielded;隔离好的
3.Are properly connected.正确连接的