4.4. Disciplinary Measures 纪律处罚措施
Disciplining employees by means of corporal or psychological punishment is strictly
forbidden. The same applies to punishment manifested through restricted access to food,
sanitary facilities or medical care.
Sexual harassment and sexual abuse are not allowed and will not be tolerated. Any incident
of this kind shall be studied and appropriate punishment imposed. Sexual harassment does
not necessarily only take physical forms. Voicing e.g. demeaning comments about the
gender of an employee equally falls under the term sexual harassment.
The withholding of compensation as a disciplinary measure is not permitted by Tchibo,
because there is great danger of abuse.
4.5. Working Contracts劳动合同
Working contracts form the basis for employment and provide the employee with
transparency on the framework conditions of his employment and a certain legal basis for
possible claims. Employers are required to give their employees a written working contract
that includes at least the following points: Name and picture of the employee, home address,
function, starting date of working relationship, hours of work arranged, remuneration,
probation period (if applicable), details for termination and the signature of the employer and
the employee.
A copy of the contract has to be given to the employee. Contractual obligations that result
from a permanent position may not be circumvented by offering consecutive short-term
In the event that contracted work is used, the supplier must ensure that the same conditions
are fulfilled by the subcontractor.