Fruit of the Loom, Inc. Security Policy
It is the policy of Fruit of the Loom, Inc. to take necessary steps to prevent violation of our supply chain's integrity.
We will ensure that terrorists, terrorist weapons and materials, and other contraband, do not enter our supply
chain and the products and materials are not lost, stolen or robbed.
We will accomplish this with our own foreign facilities and by working with our manufacturing suppliers, vendors,
licensees, carriers, forwarders, brokers, truckers and other relevant business partners. Fruit of the Loom, Inc. will
periodically conduct assessments of our global supply chains based upon the Fruit of the Loom, Inc. security
criteria to ensure that pertinent security measures are in place and adhered to throughout the supply chain.
All our suppliers are required to complete a supply chain security self-assessment. See page 23 for details.
C-TPAT Assessment反恐风险评估
(For exporters to the US market only)
The United States Department of Homeland Security and the United States Customs Service launched the Customs
Trade Partnership against Terrorism (C-TPAT) with the goal of securing trade channels against terrorism and
protecting U. S. borders. The C-TPAT program calls on the trade industry to support government efforts by
securing their supply chain within the domestic United States and aboard.
Fruit of the Loom Inc. is committed to comply with the requirements set forth in the C-TPAT program. Security
assessments are required for all factories exporting any of our products to the United States market and should be
conducted by one of the approved third party monitoring companies as outline on page 3 of this guide. The
Assessment will consist of a walkthrough of the facility. The walkthrough must include all work floors, vehicle
parking areas, warehouses, storage facilities, and packing and loading areas.
Necessary Documents必要的文件准备
The following information (as applicable) should be made available for the C-TPAT security Assessment. The
confidentiality of all proprietary information will be respected. Any technologies and/or processes unique to the
supplier’s operation will not be disclosed.
• Internal operating policies and procedures (Company Policy)
- Specific to packing and loading
- Access controls
- Basic security practices
• Prior supplier (subcontractor) names and locations
• Company licenses, required industry licenses and insurance
• Hiring policies and procedures, company handbook
• Logbooks used to sign in visitors and vehicles
• Employee files with copies of official identification documents
• Security training and education materials
• Bill of Lading
• Shipping information (work orders, bill of lading, delivery slips, invoices)
• Packing lists
• Quota documents
• Testing reports