PEFCC TD 技术文件(1个文件)
1)技术文件PEFC Council Technical Document
2)PEFCC Annexs Annexs 附录(7个附录)
附录1:PEFC的术语和定义Terms and Definitions
附录2:标准制定规则Rules for Standard Setting
附录3:认证体系及其实施的基础Basis for Certification Schemes and their Implementation
附录4:木材产销监管链认证 CoC of Forest Based Products -Requirements
附录5:PEFC标志使用规则 PEFC Logo Usage Rules
附录6:认证和认可程序Certification and Accreditation Procedures
附录7:国家体系及体系修订的批准和相互认可Endorsement of National Schemes and their Revision
PEFCC Guidelines指南(2个指南)
GL1/2005: PEFC商标使用许可证的发行商标使用许可证的发行Issuance of PEFC Logo Usage Licenses by the PEFC Council
GL2/2005: PEFC委员会最低要求清单委员会最低要求清单PEFC Council Minimum Requirements Checklist