Agency Contract – At a minimum, the contract between the agency and the factory shall include:
• Fees the factory will pay the agency (if any fees apply)
• Wages (regular, overtime, and holiday)
• Working hours (regular, overtime, and holiday)
• Job description and required job skills
• Contract term, including start and end dates
Employee Contract - If a contract exists between the agency and each migrant worker, copies shall be readily available at the factory at all times.
Factory Contract - The contract between the factory and worker shall be consistent with (or better than) the contract between the agency and worker. At a minimum, the contract shall be written in the workers’ local language and include:
• Wages (regular, overtime, and holiday)
• Working hours (regular, overtime, and holiday)
• Living conditions to expect
• Benefits and insurance that will be provided by the agency
• Job description and required job skills
• Contract duration
• Termination policies (including terms for being sent back to the sending country)
Agency Contract –The contract between the agency and the factory shall be readily available at the factory at all times.
Orientation - All migrant workers shall go through an orientation at the factory to review the following points (written in workers’ local language):
• Job training
• Health and safety
• Factory policies and rules
• Grievance systems and process
• Termination policies (including terms for being sent back to the sending country)
• In addition to any legal requirements of the host country and country of origin regarding repatriation of foreign workers, at the completion of the employment relationship, or earlier upon termination of employment, the contractor shall providereturn air or land transport tickets to any foreign worker hired or recruited by the contractor from another country. The contractor shall comply with this requirement irrespective of the terms of the employee’s employment contract.
• The requirement to pay for repatriation does not apply where the employee:
° Is terminated for illegal conduct;
° Obtains other legal employment within the country; or
° Voluntary terminates his or her employment prior to the conclusion
of the term of the employment contract.
° The supplier must still pay for repatriation, however,
if the employee terminates the employment prior to conclusion of
the employment contract because:
– The supplier breaches a material term of the employment contract, or
– The employee is subject to harassment or abuse that is not timely
remedied upon complaint.