Effective Date: |
Jan. 1st 2005 |
Wal-Mart Pre-Audit Questionnaire (Wal-Mart 道德標準調查問卷) |
Supplier Name(供應商名稱): |
Physical Address(地址): |
Mailing Address(郵寄地址): |
Type of Location(地址類別): |
(i.e. Free zone, industrial area, rural area, etc.) (如免稅區,工業區,郊區等) |
Telephone(電話): |
Fax(傳真): |
Name of Contact(聯絡人): |
e-mail(電子郵箱): |
Factory Name(工廠名稱): |
Physical Address(地址): |
Mailing Address(郵寄地址): |
Type of Location(地址類別): |
(i.e. Free zone, industrial area, rural area, etc..) (如免稅區,工業區,郊區等) |
Telephone(電話): |
Fax(傳真): |
Name of Contact(聯絡人): |
e-mail(電子郵箱): |
Ownership Type(所有制類別) |
(please check applicable box)(請選擇) |
(please state other type here)(請寫其他類型)…………………………………………………………………………………. |
Year Facility Established(建廠時間): |
Name of Factory Manager(工廠經理姓名): |
e-mail(電子郵箱): |
Telephone(電話): |
Fax(傳真): |
Opening Hours(營業時間): |
Maximum Capacity:(最大生產能力): |
(number of pieces / pairs/ tons produced per month)(每月生產的件數/雙數/吨數等): |
Percentage of factory's capacity devoted to Wal-Mart Production:(Wal-Mart產品所占工廠產量的百分比): |
Produced Product:(生產何种產品): |
Next Scheduled production run of Wal-Mart Products(下批Wal-Mart產品排期如何): |
Other Major Customers(其他主要客戶): |
1) |
2) |
(Due to confidentiality this can be optional)(因保密原則,可選擇不填) |
3) |
4) |
5) |
6) |
Total No. of workers(僱員总人數): |
Foreign workers(外籍工人): |
Local(本地工人): |
Total male workers:(男員工总人數): |
Total female workers:(女員工总人數): |
If contract Worker are employed, state the length of contract:(如有合同工人, 其合同期限為): |
Native Language's) of the Factory Employees:(工廠僱員本土語种): |
1) |
2) |
3) |
4) |
5) |
6) |
Address of Dormitories(宿舍地址): |
(If Applicable)(如適用) |
Completed by(填寫人): |
(Please fill in section below) (請填下表) |
Name(姓名): |
Title(職位): |
Signature(簽名): |
Date(日期): |
Does the factory obtain current information on relevant local and national laws and regulation? |
(工廠是否有獲取現行國家及地區相關法規及規定?) |
Does the Facility promptly incorporate this information in its business practices? |
(工廠是否有將相關法規正確地實施于日常運作中?) |
What is the legal minimum wage required at this factory?(該工廠法定最低工資標準是多少?) |
(Exchange Rate: 1USD =)(兑換率) |
Local Currency(當地货幣): |
USD(美金) |
What is the current or average hourly wage for trained workers in the same industry in this location/ area?(目前該地區熟練工人之平均工資為多少?) |
Local Currency(當地货幣): |
USD(美金) |
What is the lowest wage paid at this factory for trained (i.e., production) employees?(工廠支付熟練工人(即:生產員工)之最低工資為多少?) |
what's the lowest wage paid for untrained(i.e.:janitors,trainees)workers?(工廠支付非熟練工人(即:門衛管理員,培訓中員工)之最低工資為多少?) |
How are workers paid?(以何种方式支付?) |
(Please state if other) |
How often are workers paid?(工資支付週期如何?) |
(Please state if other) |
How is the pay rate calculated?(工資計算方法如何?) |
(Please state if other) |
Are workers given work to take home?(工人是否有帶工作回家做?) |
If Yes, how are wages for this work determined? (如果有, 如何計算其工資?) |
Is work time electronically documented by a timecard?(工時是否以電子刷卡登記?) |
If No, explain system by which hours worked are recorded?(如不是,請解釋如何記錄工人工作時間?) |
What records are used to calculate workers paid under a piece rate system (if applicable)?(如果是計件工資,請描述根據何种記錄計算工人工資?(如適用) |
Are there any deductions from employees' wages?(工人工資中是否有任何扣款?) |
What charges are deducted from employees' pay?(哪种费用要从工人工資中扣取的?) |
How is this documented?(以何种文件形式記錄此扣款?) |
Does this facility employ temporary workers?(工厂是否有請臨時工?) |
What allowances and benefits are provided to employees in this facility? (有何津貼和福利提供給工人?) |
Housing (房補) |
Sick leave (带薪病假) |
Meals (餐補) |
Emergency Leave (緊急事故假) |
Transportation (交通費) |
Maternity Leave/ Paternity Leave (產假/陪產假) |
Health Care (醫療費) |
Vacation (带薪年假) |
Child Care (護嬰費) |
Religious Leaves (带薪宗教假) |
Other (其他) |
If Yes, please give details (如有,請列舉詳情) |
Are any workers excluded from receiving benefits? (是否有哪些工人不能享受此福利?) |
If Yes, please give details (如有,請描述詳細情況) |
Are benefits and /or allowances included in calculating the minimum wage? (福利和津貼是否包括在计算最低工資中?) |
If Yes, please give details (如有, 請描述詳情) |
Are there any incentive plans offered (i.e. bonus)? 是否提供獎勵計劃給工人(如分紅)? |
If Yes, please give details (如有, 請描述詳情) |
Does the facility provide training programs? (是否有提供培訓?) |
If Yes, please give details (如有, 請描述詳情) |
How long is the training period?(培訓期多長): |
Are workers paid a specific wage for training (if applicable)? (培訓是否支付工資?): |
If No, please give details (如沒有, 請描述詳情) |
Do you pay for overtime?(是否有加班費?) |
If Yes, how are overtime wages calculated. (如有, 如何計算加班費?) |
How many work shifts do you run in your facility? (工廠內實行几班制?) |
How many hours per work shift?(每班的工作時間為几小時?) |
(pls indicate start work timing, break timing and stop work timing)(請説明其開始時間、休息時間、結束時間.): ……………………………………………………………………………………………… |
What is the maximum number of working hours per day? (每天最多工作時間為多少?) |
What is the maximum number of working hours per week?(每周最長工作多少小時?) |
What is the average number of overtime hours worked per employee per month? (每位工人每月平均加班多少小時?) |
Do workers have at least one day off in seven?(工人是否每工作7天至少休息1天?) |
Do workers have time each day for a meal / breaks?(工人是否每天有用餐/休息時間?) |
What are the break times? What is the duration of each break?(工人工间休息时间如何规定?每次休息有多少时间?) |
Are all workers voluntarily working in this facility?(所有工人在該工廠工作是否均出于自身意愿?) |
Are there any workers in this facility that are prisoners, have been assigned by the military, or any other branch of government? |
(工人內是否有工人為監獄勞工, 由軍方指派, 或由政府其它部門指派?) |
Are workers free to leave the factory premises at any time?(工人是否可隨時離開廠區?) |
If No, please give details (如不是, 請描述詳情) |
Are guards posted only for normal security reasons?(保安是否是出于正常安全理由而設置?) |
If Yes, what are their basic duties?(如是, 他們的基本職責是什麼?) |
What is the age of the youngest worker in this facility? (工廠內最年輕的工人多少歲?) |
Are there any restrictions for “young" workers?(between the minimum legal working age and 18 years old, depending on the local law) |
( 對未成年工人的工作範圍有何限制?)(未成年工是指大于法定年齡而小于18嵗的工人) |
If Yes, please give details (如有, 請描述詳情) |
What procedures does this facility have in place to verify the age of the employees? (工廠有何種程序來確定工人的年齡?) |
What records does the facility obtain from job applicants before hiring to determine age? (在僱傭前, 工廠需從工人獲取何種記錄以便確認其年齡?) |
Are age documents or records for all workers maintained at factory site? (工廠是否有保留所有工人的年齡資料和記錄?) |
How are workers recruited? ( 如何招聘員工?) |
if other, give details: |
Do you restrict employment by age, ethnicity, religion, gender,sexual orientation or political affiliation:(招聘員工有限制職工人年齡,民族,性別,黨派?) |
If yes, please give details:(如有, 請描述詳情) |
During the previous two years, have any workers filed a complaint of discrimination against this factory?(過去兩年内有關于歧視方面的工人投訴?) |
If yes, please give details:(如有, 請描述詳情) |
Does the factory provide any of the below (工廠是否有提供以下設施?) |
Fire Safety Equipments / Systems (消防設施/體系) |
First Aid / Health care? (急救藥箱/醫療所?) |
Electrical & machinery safety?(電器/機械安全設施?) |
Does the factory utilize any chemical products/substances(direct or indirectly) in its production processes? If yes please attach list with names and description |
工廠是否直接或間接在生産過程中使用化學品/物質?如有, 請列舉名單和使用詳情 |
Do you provide residential housing for workers? (是否有提供住宿給工人?) |
If yes to the question above, please answer all questions below(如果以上問題答案為是, 請回答以下所有問題): |
Number of buildings (几幢宿舍) |
Average number of people sleeping in a room (每間房平均住宿人數) |
No of employees residing in this dormitory (住宿工人人數) |
Please state the distance of dormitory buildings to the production sites (宿舍与生產區之距離) |
Are sleeping quarters separated for male and female?(是否有分男區与女區?) |
Are directions for evacuation plan posted in all sleeping quarters in employees native language? |
(住宿區消防疏散圖之方向是否有用工人當地語言標識清楚?) |
Number of toilets for workers: (洗手間數量) |
Male (男): |
Female (女): |
Number of shower's/ washing cubicles for employees( 浴室/洗衣房數量) |
Male (男): |
Female (女): |
Are kitchen facilities provided?(是否有提供廚房?) |
Are workers charged for the following?(是否有向工人收取以下費用?) |
(If Yes to any of the below, please give details of the amounts charged in space provided) (如果有, 請描述詳情) |
Pre-employment fee / deposit (押金) |
Uniforms (廠服費) |
Sleeping quarters: (住宿費) |
Meals: (餐費) |
Transportation: (交通費) |
Others: (if yes, give details) (其它) |
If Yes, please give details, (如果有, 請描述詳情) |
Are there any curfews on employees? (對工人是否有晚間通行限制?) |
If Yes, please give details, (如有, 請描述詳情) |
Do employees have unrestricted access to drinking water? (工人飲水是否受限制?) |
Are workers disciplined for misconduct or poor performance? (工人是否因錯誤行為或不良表現受到紀律性處分?) |
If Yes, please give details, (如有, 請描述詳情) |
What records are kept to document disciplinary measures? (紀律性處罰有何文件記錄?) |
Are there any procedures through which workers can appeal to disciplinary actions against them? |
(針對紀律處罰的行為, 工人是否有申訴的相關程序?) |
If Yes, please give details, (如有, 請描述詳情) |
Does the factory make any provision to protect the environment(e.g. wastewater management, air purification, hazardous material disposal)? |
(工厂為保護環境做何努力? (如廢水處理, 空氣淨化, 危險品處理)) |
Waste Disposal(廢物處理) |
Does the factory have copy of Permits or appropriate waste disposal procedure?(工廠有廢物處理許可?) |
If Yes, please give details, (eg. what is the period of waste disposal? When was the last waste disposal?)(如有,請描述廢物處理有效期及最後一次廢物處理時間) |
Does the factory have an inventory list of waste?(工廠有廢物處理清單?) |
If yes, please attach an inventory list of waste.(如有,請附上) |
Waste Water Treatment(廢水處理) |
Is there Waste Water treatment plant or facilities? (工廠有無廢水處理設施?) |
If Yes, please give details,(如有, 請描述詳情) |
Any permits or lab tests for waste water treatment & discharge?(有無任何廢水處理/排放許可証或測試?) |
If Yes, please give details, (eg. when was the last lab test & discharge?)(如有,最近一次測試和排放是在何時?) |
Air Emission(廢氣處理) |
Is there any equipment to control emission of air pollutant?(有無廢氣處理設施?) |
If Yes, please give details,(如有, 請描述詳情) |
Any permits or lab tests for air emission?(有無任何廢氣處理/排放許可或測試?) |
If Yes, please give details,(eg. when was the last lab test?)如有, 請描述詳情, (如最近一次測試是在何時)? |
Are workers provided with contract of employment? (工人是否有簽合同?) |
Do you subcontract any of your production? (工廠是否有將產品分包生產?) |
Please complete the following for all subcontractors used for the assembly of Wal-Mart products. (Please attach additional sheets if required) |
(請將Wal-Mart產品分包情況如實填寫)(如不夠,請加附頁) |
Subcontractor # 1 |
Name(姓名): |
(分包商1) |
Address (地址): |
Product(產品): |
Subcontractor # 2 |
Name(姓名): |
(分包商 2) |
Address (地址): |
Product(產品): |
Do you subcontract to individuals, families, or collective work groups? (是否有將產品分包給個人, 家庭, 和工人團体組織) |
If Yes what articles/components are produced by these workers?( 如有, 這些工人生產何種配件/產品?) |
How are these workers paid? (如何支付這些工人工資報酬?) |
Warehouse / storage facility (outside of the factory compound) (工廠廠區外倉庫/儲存處) |
Is there any warehouse located outside of the factory compound? (工廠區外是否有倉庫?) |
If yes, please specify the detail address and contacts. (如有, 請描述詳細地址及聯絡信息) |