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LIMITED Brands验厂咨询---Limited brands及其品牌信息

building a family of the world's best fashion Retail brands

Limited Brands, through Victoria's Secret, Pink, Bath & Body Works, La Senza, C.O. Bigelow, White Barn Candle Co. and Henri Bendel, is an international company that sells lingerie, personal care and beauty products, apparel and accessories. The company operates more than 2,600 specialty stores in the United States, and its brands are sold in more than 700 company-owned and franchised additional locations world-wide. Additionally, the company's products are available through the Victoria's Secret Catalogue and online at www.VictoriasSecret.com, www.BathandBodyWorks.com, www.HenriBendel.com and www.LaSenza.com. Limited Brands recorded sales of $8.6 billion in 2009 and employs more than 90,000 associates throughout the United States.


Family of the World's Best Fashion Brands

Limited Brands is committed to building a family of the world's best fashion brands offering captivating customer experiences that drive long-term loyalty and deliver sustained growth for our shareholders.

Founded in 1963 in Columbus, Ohio, Limited Brands has evolved from an apparel-based specialty retailer to a $9 billion company focused on lingerie, beauty and personal care that makes customers feel sexy, sophisticated and forever young. Limited Brands' portfolio of businesses includes Victoria's Secret, Victoria's Secret PINK, Bath and Body Works, C.O. Bigelow, White Barn Candle Co., La Senza and Henri Bendel. The company continues to drive growth domestically through new sub-brands and products, and is expanding internationally. Today, the company's products are available in more than 3,000 specialty stores nationwide, through the Victoria's Secret Catalogue and online at www.VictoriasSecret.com, www.BathandBodyWorks.com, www.HenriBendel.com and www.LaSenza.com. Through its La Senza brand, products are also available in Canada as well as approximately 40 other countries around the globe.


Driven by Passion. Guided by Values.
At Limited Brands, we are guided in our work and our interactions with others by four core principles – our values. These are the same beliefs that have made us successful since our start in 1963. They are:

The Customer Rules!
Everything we do must begin and end with an insatiable drive to anticipate and fulfill our customers’ desires.

Passion Leads to Success.
We pursue excellence because we are emotionally, intellectually and spiritually engaged in our work ... and that makes our talents formidable and our results extraordinary.

Inclusion Makes Us Stronger.
We cherish our diversity because embracing others’ thoughts, experiences, hopes and dreams makes our own more complete and connects us to our customers.

It Matters How We Play the Game.
Doing what is right means following our beliefs – and the rules – when no one is watching. Winning means nothing unless how we get there is fair, collaborative, rooted in our values and contributes to the greater good. Our values are at the heart of everything we do. They are the foundation for the Limited Way - our unique mindset at Limited Brands that guides our behaviors and determines our results. They’re a connection to our history and a guide for our future. And they’re the measure of success for how we do things today.


Leslie H. Wexner
Leslie H. Wexner was born Sept. 8, 1937 in Dayton, Ohio, the son of Russian immigrants. When he was young, his parents worked hard, owning and operating a small store named “Leslie’s” in downtown Columbus. He credits his parents with teaching him the importance of hard work and attention to details, and the belief that anything is possible. After graduating from The Ohio State University and serving in the Air National Guard, he decided to work in his parents’ business.

In 1963, Les Wexner founded Limited Brands with one store in the Kingsdale Shopping Center in Columbus — with sales of $160,000 the first year. In the years that followed, he expanded his business portfolio through both invention and acquisition, becoming a dominant U.S. retailer with numerous powerful brands and brand extensions. Under Wexner’s leadership, Limited Brands has evolved from an apparel based specialty retailer to an approximately $9 billion segment leader with more than 90,000 associates focused on lingerie, beauty and personal care product categories that make customers feel sexy, sophisticated and forever young.

Throughout his career, Les has been committed to making a difference in the community and is one of the industry’s most generous philanthropists. His areas of interest include the Wexner Center for the Arts at The Ohio State University (named in honor of his father); the Wexner Institute for Pediatric Research at Children’s Hospital in Columbus Ohio; the Martin Luther King Center for the Performing Arts, also in Columbus; and the Wexner Heritage Village. He is chairman of the Board of Trustees of The Ohio State University, a generous supporter of the United Way, and was awarded the Woodrow Wilson Award for Corporate Citizenship for his commitment to the public good.


Brands that Inspire, Empower and Indulge.

More than stores, more than products, Limited Brands is a family of brands. Our brands are world-renowned; they are household names — Victoria’s Secret, Victoria’s Secret PINK, Bath and Body Works, La Senza, C.O. Bigelow, White Barn Candle Company and Henri Bendel. Although we are primarily known for the lingerie, personal care and beauty products, apparel and accessories we sell, our power as brands extends much further.

Together and individually, these brands have come to represent an aspirational lifestyle — a way of life. Our brands help customers feel sexy, bold and powerful. They entice customers to pamper and indulge themselves, and to add a dash of fantasy and fun to their everyday lives. Our family of the world’s best fashion retail brands invites customers into a whole new world of beauty and style.

1、Victoria's Secret 维多利亚的秘密
2、Bath and Body Works
4、La Senza
5、Henri Bendel


limited brands公司创办人-leslie wexner,1963年创办了第一家服装专卖店。wexner凭借极具超群的品位和敏锐的商业嗅觉,将经营的品牌定位于青少年尤其是年轻女性。准确的产品开发和天才的经营一时,使limited一炮而红。公司旗下包括Victoria's Secret、Bath & Body Works和the Express等连锁店。

1969年仅仅拥有五家连锁店的limited brands得以成功上市,自此一发不可收拾,六、七年间已扩张至上百家店铺,目前limited以全美45州内的368家店赚得6.2亿美元的销售额。

1980年,其旗下一支专打青少牌的复始品牌express横空出世,以年轻泼辣的辣妹为主要消费对象的休闲品牌express在全美46州拥有956家店,那些标着express品牌的便宜超短裙带来了20亿美元的年销售额;而structure这一深受男士喜欢的休闲品牌即将改名为express men’s,这意味着5亿美元的销售额和429家店的加盟将在规模上把express提升为ltd旗下最大的成衣品牌。

1982年买进的 victoria’s secret在ltd精心打造之下,已成为美国女性趋之若鹜的内衣品牌。2003年victoria’s secret,不仅拥有高达28亿美金的净销售额,位于全美各地的连锁专卖店已超过1000家。

2004年,limited brands公司授权具有海外市场成熟运作体系的more for less公司作为和两个品牌在美国以外地区的总代理,美国more for less公司于上海成立上海摩尔蕾思国际发展有限公司,于8月中旬之后全面展开中国市场的品牌拓展计划,预计此举将给中国的经销商及加盟商带来具有真正双赢意义的市场投资价值及效益。


Limited Brands, Inc. World Headquarters
Three Limited Parkway
Columbus, OH 43230


Intimate Brands集团,睡衣十大品牌,世界顶级内衣品牌,全球最著名内衣品牌之一

维多利亚的秘密 (VICTORIA'S SECRET) 对于性感美艳的定义早已昭然若揭,VS天使模特们的长发自然而微卷,象刚刚睡醒尚未梳洗或才经历一场完美的****。维多利亚的秘密 (VICTORIA'S SECRET) 天使模特们面容自然媚态,红绯绯的脸庞、雾茫茫的双眸、象刚刚接吻过的嘴唇……

维多利亚的秘密 (VICTORIA'S SECRET) 隶属美国知名中高档服装生产商 Intimate Brands 集团,性感是维多利亚的秘密 (VICTORIA'S SECRET) 的代名词,VS 不仅是全美,更是全世界时尚内衣界的龙头。VS 优雅,热情,挑逗的秀场,在伸展台上影响着全球三十亿女性人口的“内在美学”,同时也在香水、配饰、化妆品等领域散发出让人无法抗拒的魅力。在全美,维多利亚的秘密 (VICTORIA'S SECRET) 拥有超过1000家的分店都在销售由超级名模代言的VS性感内衣。

维多利亚的秘密 (VICTORIA'S SECRET) 品牌成立于20世纪70年代初,自成立那天起,公司的名字就一直成为了魅力、浪漫、纵容及女式内衣的代名词,公司每分钟的内衣销量高达600多件!

据估计,30岁以下的年轻女性所用乳罩的50%均是维多利亚的秘密 (VICTORIA'S SECRET) 产品。

总裁Grace Nicholas把维多利亚的秘密 (VICTORIA'S SECRET) 描述成“一位生活方式的商家,即时装商是众多顾客生活的组成部分。我们给予顾客的是:魅力、美丽、时尚及一点儿浪漫。我们清楚什么时装最适合女性的身体和情感受需求”。

维多利亚的秘密 (VICTORIA'S SECRET) 的设计队伍创造了空前的成功记录。VS 创造性地引进了新材料新产品生产线,如“第二层皮肤缎面”(Second Skin Satin)、主要用棉制品做的“性感形体服”及“完美外形”乳罩产品尤其畅销,所以维多利亚的秘密 (VICTORIA'S SECRET) 计划每年开发一种新的乳罩款式。

维多利亚的秘密 (VICTORIA'S SECRET) 每回的新品发表会俨然已成为无国界的全**动,不光是女人想看,男人更爱看,一旦惹火性感的画面同步出现在维多利亚的秘密 (VICTORIA'S SECRET) 官方网站上,旋即造成全球性的网路大塞车。春季时装表演会每年二月份在纽约举行,届时超级名模们争相亮相,名单可在连锁目录里见到,世界上大约有5亿客户拥有此类目录。

现在维多利亚的秘密 (VICTORIA'S SECRET) 的产品种类包括了女士内衣、睡衣及各种配套服装、豪华短裤、香水、化妆品以及相关书籍等,是全球最著名的、性感内衣品牌之一。2002年,维多利亚的秘密 (VICTORIA'S SECRET) 推出的镶嵌宝石、价值1000万美元的乳罩更是轰动世界。

Victoria's Secret 维多利亚的秘密,一个风靡全球的世界顶级内衣品牌,一年又一年地创造着时尚界内衣秀的奇迹。2005年,Victoria's Secret开创性地与电视、网络等媒体合作,在美国国内推出电视时尚内衣秀并定于每年举办一次,节目的新潮时尚、漂亮动人不意外地在世界范围内引起狂潮,并使得“维多利亚的秘密”这个品牌名声大噪。Victoria's Secret Fashion Show每一年都在挑战人类创造力与想象力的极限,以至于人们每年都认为下一年的时尚秀无法再超越。然而,Victoria's Secret就是这样一个可以创造神话的品牌,她的时尚内衣秀一年比一年惊艳、性感。


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