Costco requires some form of metal detection for all garments.
1. Are Metal detectors used?
□ Yes
□ No
Type of metal detector: _______________________________________________________________
Quantity available for use:
Frequency of Calibration: _____________________________________________________________
Who Calibrates the Equipment:
2. Are needle guards used?
□ Yes□ No
3. If needle guards are used, are they used consistently on all machines?
□ Yes□ No
4. Needle replacement policy in effect?
□ Yes□ No
Explain policy:
Note: Factories making children’s garment are required to have a metal detector. Based on the production
method for adult garments, if the factory does not have a metal detector but they do use needle guards, have a
needle replacement policy of some other means of ensuring no metal is left in the garments. Costco may
approve the factory despite not having a metal detector.
* Denotes critical questions.