General statement
The Company project manages and installs a variety of display equipment for retailers in the commercial retail sector. The main processes are packing, distribution and installation. It is the intention of the Company to conduct all its operations in such a way as to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the highest degree in environmental performance.
Comply with all relevant legal and other requirements while anticipating the development of new legislation and standards.
Emissions to atmosphere
Progressively reduce rates of emissions to atmosphere and actively prevent pollution from processes, through advanced technology and product improvement.
Energy and Water use
Optimise energy efficiency sources which have environmental benefits.
Introduce water management plans to safeguard ground waters and rivers from its operations according to best practicable and environmental practice.
Waste management
Minimise the production of waste. Recycle or re-use wherever practicable, and dispose of residual waste safely.
Products, packing and processes
Take into account environmental considerations in the design of new products, packing and processes.
Contract and supplies
Seek suppliers and contractors that meet environmental performance standards.
Organisation and management
Adhere to organisation structures and management systems which ensure effective environmental management, supported by a programme of environmental auditing and management review.
Communicate environmental policy, goals and performance to all employees. Finally it is impressed upon all employees that without their active co-operation this statement is of little value.
Continuous Improvement
The Company seeks to continuously improve the environmental quality of our products, processes and services. This is accomplished through a comprehensive, Company-wide environmental programme.