5.4. Management representative 管理者代表
Senior management shall appoint a member of management who shall have responsibility and
authority that includes:
a) ensuring that processes needed for the management and HACCP systems are established,
implemented and maintained;
b) reporting to top management on the performance of the management systems and any
need for improvement; and
c) ensuring the promotion of awareness of customer requirements throughout the Operators
Ensure that: 确保 A management representative with responsibility for quality and safety is appointed; 具有质量和安全职责的管理者代表被任命; The management representative reports to top management; 管理着代表向最高管理者汇报; The responsibility includes promotion of awareness towards customer requirements. 职责包括提高满足顾客要求的意识。
5.5. Management review 管理评审
Management shall review the effectiveness of the Management and HACCP systems at regular
defined intervals:
a) records of this review shall be maintained; 评审的记录应被保存;
b) the need to update or change the Management and HACCP systems shall be evaluated at
these reviews; 在评审中,应对管理和HACCP体系的变更和更新的需求进行评价;
c) results from external and internal audits shall be reviewed;
d) customer complaints and requests shall be reviewed; 顾客抱怨和要求应被评审;
e) internal problems and changes to the operation processes must be reviewed;
f) decisions to change any aspect of the Management and HACCP systems shall be
communicated to key staff;
g) Management shall ensure that a system is in place to audit the Management and HACCP
Ensure that: 确保 A documented procedure exists for management to review the suitability and effectiveness of the MS and HACCP; 最高管理者评审管理体系和 HACCP 体系适宜性和有效性的文件化程序已制定 Records of this review are available; 评审记录可获取; The review is done periodically at predefined intervals; 评审在预先设定的时间间隔内定期进行; Conclusions drawn and actions taken are documented as part of the review; 得出的结论和采取的措施作为评审的组成部分被记录; Any actions are communicated to key personnel within the organisation. 所有措施应在组织内与关键人员进行沟通。 |