History and Philosophy
Colors was established in 1997 shortly after the deregulation of the South African fruit export industry. Three farming families with a passion for producing top quality fruit set out to market their fruit to retail customers directly in this newly accessible market.
As demand for a wider range, greater volumes and longer season-lenght grew, so the supply-base was expanded to include more top-quality fruit producers. In response to this growth, the decision was taken to structure the business around five fruit business units (FBU’s) and to staff each with energetic and talented young people - who would bring new ideas and a fresh approach to the marketing of South African fruit.
This business structure as well as the Colors people are as much a cornerstone of the Colors business today as in the formative business years.
The structure of Colors
is motivated by two
interrelated ideas; to
provide an
environment where
the talents of
Colors people can
be fully expressed;
and to provide
a "bridge" of
operational and
service excellence
between the Colors
farming-base and
its customers
around the world.