7.5.4 Preservation of product 产品防护
The Operator shall establish the shelf life of a product and preserve the conformity of the product during
processing and delivery to the intended destination.
Preservation measures shall include product identification, handling, packaging, storage and protection.
Preservation shallalso apply to the constituent parts of a product.
7.6. Transport 运输
7.6.1. General requirements 总要求
Transportation of raw material and finished products are critical points in the process. Impurities that are hazardous to humans or animals may get in contact with the final product. Measures must be taken to ensure that the transportation of rawmaterial and finished products is adequate in order to minimize the risk of contamination.
Two categories of finished products have to be considered: transportation of packed goods and transportation of bulk materials, either liquid or solid.
Where distribution or transport is performed by a subcontractor, the transporter shall be selected on the basis that itcan satisfy product safety and reliability criteria.
The Operators’ HACCP programme shall take transport into consideration when formulating the requirements on suppliers and transporters.
The Operator must communicate its requirements on transportation to the transporter. These requirements shall be documentedand verified regularly.
The Operator’s evaluation of the performance of the transporter shall confirm the effectiveness of the transporter’s actions to meet the requirements.
When transport of finished products is arranged and the buyer takes responsibility for the transport, it is the Operator’s responsibility to communicate, to the buyer, that the requirement in this Code will be applied on the transport before and during loading and during transportation/delivery.