12a. 福利、宿舍(Welfare-Dormitories)(可适用、可不适用)
12a. 受核工厂为雇员提供了宿舍生活所需:The facility provide dormitory living for employees.
12.2 每名工人在宿舍里应有足够的生活空间:Each employee should have sufficient living space in the dormitory.
12.3 应有足的卫生间和浴室设施:There are adequate toilet and shower facilities.
12.4 宿舍应保持清洁,状态维持良好:宿舍整体、宿舍房间、卫生间、浴室:Dormitories should be kept clean and maintained in good condition: General Dormitory, Dormitory Rooms, Toilets, and Showers.
12.5 应一个洗衣设施可供使用:A laundry facility should be available.
12.6 须有康体场地可供使用:A recreation area should be available.
12.7 楼宇看来结构稳健而且修葺良好:Building appear structurally sound and in good repair.
12.8 应有一套用当地语文写成的规定寄宿工人和/或来宾须要遵守的宿舍规则,并公开张贴:There are written dormitory rules for residents and/or guests to follow, and they are posted in the local language.
12.9 对不遵行宿舍规则的情况应采取适当行动:Appropriate actions should be taken for not following dormitory rules.
12.10 工人在下班后的私人时间内可以自由离开和返回宿舍:Workers should be permitted to exit and re-enter the dormitory freely during their personal time off from work.
12.11 宿舍房间、卫生间、浴室须有男女分隔的规定:Dormitory rooms, toilets, and showers should be segregated between men and women.
12.12 应采取保安措施保护工人的人身和财物:Security measures should be taken to protect workers and their property.
12.13 宿舍须有一套符合第10条要求的防火安全与紧急事故预备程序文件:The dormitory should have a written procedure for fire safety and emergency preparedness in compliance with Section 10.
12b. 福利-食堂/膳食服务(Welfare-Canteen/Cafeteria Services)
12.14 如果配制食物的地方须受政府审核/发执照管制,受核工厂须收到经认可的审核报告/执照:If food preparation areas are subject to local government audit or licensing, should has been received approved audit/license.
12.15 饮食服务区须保持清洁,符合卫生要求:Food service areas should be kept clean and hygienic.
12.16 饮食服务人员须接受过食物配制卫生培训:Food service personnel should be trained in food preparation hygiene.
12.17 应有一个制度能够确保处理食物的人员都是健康良好的:There is a system in place to ensure that food handlers are in good health.
12.18 食物不能在地面摆放:Food should be kept clear of the floor areas.
12.19 食物储存方法和管制措施足以预防食物变坏:Food storage methods and controls should be adequate to prevent spoilage.
12c. 福利-医疗服务(Welfare-Medical Services)
12.20 受核工厂须有一套关于紧急医疗事故的程序文件:Facility should have written procedure for handling medical emergencies.
12.21 可使用公共紧急医疗服务,如果有厂内附设的诊疗室,该诊疗室须符合当地法规和标准:Common emergency medical treatment should be available. If there is an on-site clinic, the medical clinic should be in compliance with local laws and standards.
12.22 受核工厂应保存伤病记录,并利用伤病记录采取纠正措施:The facility should keep injury/illness records and they should be used for corrective actions.
12.23 在轮班制度下,每一班都应有足够曾受急救和心肺复苏训练的人员值班:Each shift should have adequate personnel trained in first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
12.24 在作业设施和宿舍范围内须有急救必需品以合理的方式提供:First aid supplies should be reasonably available at the facility and dormitory.
12.25 受核工厂须有处理血溶液传播病原菌的方法:The facility should have a bloodborne pathogen process.
12.26 医疗废弃物须要与其他废弃物分开存放,并予以妥善处置:Medical waste should be segregated and properly disposed of.