未适龄劳工(Underage Labor)
4. 未适龄劳工(Underage Labor)
4.1 工厂应记录所在国家/地区是否有强制儿童接受学校教育的年龄规定:For information purposes, the factory should maintain the record if there is a compulsory age for school attendance in the country/region.
4.2 受核工厂应有政策文件订明在厂受雇的工人的最低年龄:The facility should have a written policy specifying the youngest age for workers hired in the facility.
4.3 在没有相关法律规限的情况下,受核工厂的政策应符合国际玩具协会的商业行为守则:In the absence of law, the facility’s policy should meet the ICTI code。(N/A)
4.4 凡有相关的法律和/或政策,均须向雇员通报:The law and or policy should be communicated to all employees.
4.5 雇员的年龄须符合政策和当地法律的规定:The employees’ should be in compliance with the policy and local law.
4.6 受核工厂如果雇用未成年工人,公司给这些工人分配的工作都应是具体法律条文容许的:If young workers are employed, they should be on assignments allowable, as specified by law.
4.7 记录中须保存证明工人年龄的资料的佐证文件:Documents supporting age information should be kept on record.