3.2.2 All incoming material and component packages/containers shall be stored in designated areas by material by batch, physical segregated by status and clearly labeled with:所有原材料要分批/分材料類型擺放在指定區域,按狀態物理隔離,包裝上或容器上要清晰標示:
a) Part/Material number 零件/物料編號
b) Batch number 批次號
c) Date received 收貨日期
d) Source 來源
e) Quantity 數量
f) Status (Under review/accepted/rejected) 狀態(待檢/可接受/退貨)
3.2.3 The factory shall develop clear, written, incoming quality requirements for all materials and component types maintained at the incoming inspection area. The material specifications shall be developed and used at incoming quality control (IQC).對於保存在待檢區所有的材料和組件類型,工廠應制定明確的、書面的來料控制要求,IQC 應傳達和使用來料檢驗規範。
3.2.4 All incoming materials shall be tested according to the requirements indicated in this document and QA051 before use. Only those materials that have test reports (or CoC when purchased from Hasbro QA approved suppliers) to confirm compliance shall be used in production of Hasbro items. REFER QA051 FOR GUIDELINES 所有來料使用前應該參考QA051要求進行測試。只有那些有測試報告(或Hasbro指定供應商聲明書)的物料才認可用於Hasbro產品。參考QA051。
NOTE: For materials that are not covered in QA051 verification shall be done by selective testing as suggested by Hasbro chemist together with supplier declarations to ensure compliance with toy safety regulations. 對不包括在QA051上的物料 ,需要依Hasbro化驗師的提議采用選擇性測試, 以及供貨商的聲明書一起對物料進行驗証, 以確保符合玩具安全条例
3.2.5 Testing and results of incoming materials shall be performed in Hasbro approved chemical laboratories with reference to the standards specified in QA051). 來料測試和結果應該在Hasbro認可的化學實驗室進行并參考QA051的標準要求。
NOTE: When testing hazardous chemical(s) that is/are not covered in any SRS standard, the most relevant international standard(s) shall be referenced and this shall be approved Hasbro QA.當危險化學物質不在有關SRS要求內,請參照有關國際標準并要有關Hasbro QA同意.
NOTE [1]: The test for surfactants shall apply to main fabrics only, accessories like thread, velcro…etc. are not required.表面活性剂测试僅适用於主要布料,配件如线,尼龙搭扣…等不需要。
NOTE [2]: Due to the much higher risks associated with the fabric supply chain, fabric materials purchased from QA approved suppliers are still required to be tested by random sampling every month. 由于織物供应链存在更高风险,布料必須從QA批准的供應商购买 ,并要求每月隨機抽取樣品進行測試。
3.2.7 “Batch” is defined as a quantity of homogeneous material that has been produced in a single continuous operation under a set of defined conditions. The factory shall use the manufacturing batch information of their material suppliers for testing and traceability purpose. “每批次”是指在規定條件下連續運作而生產的相同物料的數量,工厂应該在測試和追溯時使用原材料供應商提供的批次信息。
NOTE: In case a same batch material arrives in different deliveries/containers, each delivery shall be regarded as a different batch for testing.如果同一批物料以不同的運送方式和貨櫃來貨,每次來貨必須按不同的批次進行測試。
3.2.8 For non-retainable printing / packaging materials purchased from non-approved suppliers, testing should be random sampling by quarter to SRS-082 standard. 从非指定供应商购买不可保留的印刷/包装材料,测试应按SRS - 082标准每季度随机抽样。
3.2.9 The factory shall follow the material’s recommended shelf life as specified by the suppliers. Any material that is expired shall be labeled as quarantined and segregated into designated areas. Materials that have expired must be tested and evaluated before reuse. 工廠應該跟進原材料的有效期,過期的物料應該標示且隔離在指定區域。過期物料在重新使用前必須經過測試和評估。
3.2.10 Factories shall have a procedure in place to ensure that only the approved chemical additives listed in PC010 are being used in the production of Hasbro items.